CV Wiztech Apps

Crazy Caveman 1.0
CV Wiztech
Crazy Caveman is exciting running gamewherelonely caveman has to travel through the wild to reachhisTreasure. Help Crazy Caveman and Jump and fly to reach hisgold.This fun, free Caveman games lets you help the Crazy Cavemanto histreasure avoiding obstacles along the way.Our Crazy Caveman, we call him Craz, overslept and now has torunto get his gold. Tap lower to make him jump and higher to makehimjump higher. Unlike other Caveman games this game also letsCraz,the caveman, fly. You can make him fly by double tapping whenhe ison his jump.We have created several levels so you can have hours of funwiththe Crazy Caveman game. Let Craz run from cave towards hisgold. Itis free and you do not have to create any account to playthe CrazyCaveman game. Crazy Caveman run is lot of fun kids andadultsalike. Whether you are into caveman or Cave Run this is theapp foryou. Multiple level of cave run game will be excitingforanyone.How to play:Click left part on the screen to make Caveman jump.Click right part of the screen for caveman to throwdinosourobstacles.Make caveman fly by double clicking while he is jumping.
Aksi Bela ISLAM 411 & 212 1.0
CV Wiztech
Aksi Bela Islam adalah rangkaian aksiunjukrasa yang diadakan di Indonesia, terutama di kota Jakartasebagaireaksi atas pernyataan gubernur Jakarta, Basuki TjahajaPurnamayang mengeluarkan pernyataaan yang dianggap menistakan agamadalamkunjungan kerjanya ke Kepulauan Seribu.Pada 27 September 2016, Gubernur DKI Jakarta, BasukiTjahajaPurnama melakukan kunjungan kerja ke pulau Pramuka yangberlokasidi Kepulauan Seribu. Kunjungan ini dilakukan untukmelakukanpeninjauan serta pengarahan terkait program pemberdayaanbudi dayaikan kerapu yang ia adakan. Dalam pernyataannya Basukiberusahameyakinkan warga bahwa programnya akan terus berjalan meskiiatidak terpilih sebagai Gubernur pada Pemilihan Gubernur DKIJakartayang akan berlangsung pada Februari 2017. Sebagaimanakebiasaandalam rapat dan kunjungan kerja, video aktivitas Basukiini pundiunggah melalui akun Youtube pemerintah Provinsi DKIJakarta.Pada 6 Oktober 2016, seorang netizen bernama Buni Yanimengunggahulang di halaman Facebooknya kutipan video yang berjudul'PenistaanTerhadap Agama?'. Video ini akhirnya ditonton olehbanyak orang danmenyulut emosi umat Islam yang tidak sudi kitabsuci dan ulamanyadihina. Sebagai respon dari video ini, banyakdari ormas Islam dipenjuru Indonesia mengirimkan pengaduan kepadakepolisian agarsegera menindak lanjuti pernyataan Basukitersebut.AKSI BELA ISLAM IPada 14 Oktober 2016, seusai shalat Jumat, ribuan ormas Islamyangdikomandoi oleh FPI melakukan aksi unjuk rasa di depan BalaiKotaDKI Jakarta. Dalam aksinya, mereka menuntut agar penyelidikanataskasus penistaan agama yang dilakukan oleh Gubernur DKIJakarta,Basuki Tjahaja Purnama segera dilakukan. Habib RizieqShihab yangjuga pimpinan FPI mengecam akan melakukan aksi yanglebih besarjika tidak kunjung merespon kasus ini dalam 3Mingguberikutnya.Berbagai macam respon muncul menanggapi unjuk rasa ini,mulaidari yang mendukung sampai yang kontra. Basuki sendirimenyorotikerusakan taman yang dinyatakan akibat ulah parapengunjukrasa.AKSI BELA ISLAM IIProses penyelidikan yang dianggap berjalan sangat lambanmembuatormas Islam kembali menghimpun massa dalam jumlah yang lebihbesar.Berbagai pesan disebarkan melalui media sosial untukmengundangmasyarakat hadir dan turut serta dalam unjuk rasa AksiBela IslamII yang nantinya lebih dikenal dengan 'Aksi 4 November'atau 'AksiDamai 411'. Pada awal November 2016, para pengunjuk rasayangberasal dari luar daerah mulai berduyun-duyun datang menujuDKIJakarta untuk menghadiri aksi ini.Pada 4 November 2016, aksi unjuk rasa ini kembali diadakandenganjumlah massa yang sangat besar sekitar ratusan ribu orang.Aksi inidimulai usai shalat Jumat dan menjadikan posisi di depanIstanaNegara sebagai pusatnya. Kali ini para pengunjuk rasaberusaha agartidak melakukan pengrusakan dan menjaga kebersihanagar tidakdikritik sebagaimana demo sebelumnya.Selain di Jakarta,aksi serupajuga diadakan di beberapa kota lainnya di Indonesia.Prosespenyelidikan yang dianggap berjalan sangat lamban membuatormasIslam kembali menghimpun massa dalam jumlah yang lebihbesar.Berbagai pesan disebarkan melalui media sosial untukmengundangmasyarakat hadir dan turut serta dalam unjuk rasa AksiBela IslamII yang nantinya lebih dikenal dengan 'Aksi 4 November'atau 'AksiDamai 411'.AKSI BELA ISLAM IIIGNPF MUI selaku penyelenggara Aksi Bela Islam II mengungkapkanakanmengadakan kembali aksi serupa pada tanggal 2 Desember 2016.HabibRizieq menyampaikan bahwa aksi ini akan berlangsung dengansuperdamai karena diadakan dalam bentuk ibadah bersama. Pernyataaninimendapatkan tanggapan beragam. Ketua DPR RI, Ade Komaruddinmemilihuntuk tidak menanggapi aksi tersebut dan meminta wartawanuntukbertanya langsung kepada para penyelenggara. SedangkanKapolri,Tito Karnavian mengancam tidak akan mengeluarkan izin untukaksitersebut karena khawatir akan ditunggangi
Bela Islam 212 Spesial 1.0
CV Wiztech
Panggilan Aksi Bela Islam 3 atau AksiBelaIslam 212, pada Jumat, 2 Desember 2016 tak terbendung. Sejakaksiini dideklarasikan oleh Gerakan Nasional Pengawal FatwaMajelisUlama Indonesia (GNPF-MUI), penghadangan secarasistematis,terstruktur, dan masif dilancarkan oleh mereka yangtidak inginUmmat Islam bersatu menyuarakan Keadilan Sosial danKeadilan Hukum.Mulai dari tudingan politisasi hingga isu makar.Semua tuduhan itu hanya isapan jempol belaka. Ummat Islamtidakpercaya lagi dengan propaganda dan agenda setting semacamitu.Sebaliknya, ummat Islam semakin menguatkan ketaatan danketerikatankepada ulama dalam bingkai syariat. Itu terlihat padaaksi BelaIslam 2 dan berlanjut pada Aksi Bela Islam 3 atau BelaIslam212.Konsep acara Aksi Bela Islam 212 adalah unjuk rasa IslamidanSyar’i, walau ada pihak yang berusaha menggembosi bahwa inibukanunjuk rasa tapi Majelis Zikir dan Doa, namun TUNTUTANPENJARAKANPENISTA AGAMA ADALAH TUJUAN UTAMA.Acara tersebut bahkan digelar dengan cara yang berbeda dariaksisebelumnya . Jika aksi 411 lalu dilangsungkan dengan SholatJumatlalu Berorasi ke jalan selayaknya aksi demonstrasi . Tidakuntukaksi jilid ketiga ini yang sudah diumumkan bakal diisidenganmajelis Dzikir , Doa dan Sholat .Tempat aksi bela Islam jilid 3 / 212 ini sendiri akan berpusatdikawasan Monas dengan berbagai pertimbangan . Bahkan menjelangaksiini sudah disepakati berbagai hal yang resmi disampaikan lewatJumpapers pihak MUI, FPI, Ormas, GNPF-MUI, Polri, dan TNI.Kami sajikan foto-foto spesial terkait perjuangan paraMujahidinmenegakkan Agama ISLAM di Aksi BelaIslam212...ALLAHUAKBAARRR!!!!!!
Bounce 1.0
CV Wiztech
Bounce is the best addictive brain games!!Collect the stars to all the way. It's not easier thananygames.Various obstacle/trap will be the best control games to testyourbrain control.And 10 levels will be a great Bounce brain games. You mustcompleteall stars level to reach level 10.Touch to draw line and let ball flow the bounce.Bounce is a most simple game.You can feel the addictive nature of the best user simplicity,wedid a lot of effort.Note: Bounce is best killing time game. You will not stopthemoment you begin.
Ultimate Arm Workout 1.0
CV Wiztech
Do you have a fat body? Do you want toshapeyour body and burn fat? Do you want to lose weight quickly,butkeep the elasticity of your skin? Do you dream of a slim andfitbody?If your answer is YES, then you need to make somelifestylechanges to solve it and reach your fitness goal. We arehere tohelp, all what you need to do is to install UltimateArmWorkout.Ultimate Arm Workout is a free modern bodybuilding andworkoutapp that contains arm workout, biceps workout, tricepsworkout,forearms workout and many more. By using our app you willbe ableto discover different workout exercises and tips that aredesignedby professional fitness, bodybuilding trainers and sportexpertsspecially for you.We will help you to reach your dream body and your fitnessgoalseasily and fastly. We have over 60 ultimate exercises thatareexplained step by step with pictures as you can make them intheright way. You can even read some killer tips to reach yourdreambody. Those barbell and dumbbell exercises will help you toloseweight, tone muscles, burn fat and improvecardiovascularhealth.Why you need to DOWNLOAD and INSTALL Ultimate Arm Workout apptolose fat and build your body instead of other gym workoutandchallenge apps?• 60+ ultimate exercises :✓ All our exercises were designed by professional trainers.Theexercises are explained by pictures. Anyone can use our appandstart loosing fat and weight today.✓ We have many workouts categories inside our app like ArmWorkout,Biceps Workout, Triceps Workout and Forearms Workout.• Free :✓ Our app is free and it will stay free for life, so there isnohidden fees and no special membership fees to reach yourdreambody. Just Take Action and Start training right now!• Easy :✓ We added a step by step explanation in all our exercises. Youcanalso read our 17 Arm Workout Killer Tips to get the bestresultsfor your exercises.What are you waiting for? DOWNLOAD Ultimate Arm Workout forFREEand enjoy the BEST free Bodybuilding and Weight Loss appever!
Kalender 212 1.2
CV Wiztech
Kalender 212 aksi super damai atau aksibelaislam 212 ini kami sajikan khusus untuk Anda kaum musliminyangsedang mencari contoh kalender 2017 dengan desain islami.Contohkalender bela Islam ini sangat cocok untuk Anda yangmendukung aksibela Islam III tersebut.Terdapat berbagai macam versi kalender 212 aksi bela islamyangbisa Anda jadikan referensi sebagai kalender islami tahun2017.Yang patut kita apresiasi dari aksi super damai 212 adalahrasaukuwah. Berkumpulnya jutaan umat Islam di Jakartasangatmenggetarkan kalbu yang paling dalam di hati parakaummuslimin.Di media sosial para netizen pun tak jarang mengunggahberagamcerita atau foto aksi yang diikuti oleh jutaan umatIslamtersebut.Timbul pertanyaan kenapa harus dipilih angka 212? Hal inisamapersis demo sebelumnya yang digelar pada tanggal 4 Novemberbanyakyang menyebut dengan aksi damai “411”, dalam bahasaArabnyamerupakan lafal “jalalah” dengan lafadz 'ALLAH'.Menelusuri angka 212 sendiri di Indonesia, sebagianorangmengistilahkan aksi 212 dengan filosofinya angka 2 sebagaisuratke-2 dalam Al-Quran bernama Al-Baqarah sedangkan angka “12”denganayat ke -12. Kita mencoba dari “tafsir modern” angkatersebutdengan membuka lembaran tafsir Al-Qurannya apa geranganyangterjadi dalam ayat tersebut dan asbabun nuzulnya sehinggadiidentikkan dengan aksi “212”.Tafsir Ibnu Kasir tentang surat Al-baqarah (2) ayat 12yangberbunyi: “Dan bila dikatakan kepada mereka: ‘Janganlahkamumembuat kerusakan di muka bumi’. Mereka menjawab:‘Sesungguhnyakami orang-orang yang mengadakan perbaikan’. Ingatlah,sesungguhnyamereka itulah orang-orang yang membuat kerusakan,tetapi merekatidak sadar.” (QS.2: 11-12)Semoga aplikasi yang berisi gambar kalender 212 inidapatmemberikan manfaat bagi kaum muslim di Indonesia.Penghargaansetinggi-tingginya bagi saudara yang telah mendesainkalender tahun2017 versi aksi bela islam 212.Calendar 212superpeaceful action or action of Islamic arts 212 special wepresent toyou the Muslims who are looking for an example ofcalendar 2017with Islamic designs. Examples of Islamic artscalendar is perfectfor you who support the action of the IIIIslamic arts.There are different versions of 212 calendar Islamic artsactionthat you can make reference as the Islamic calendar in2017.Which deserves our appreciation of super peaceful actionukuwah212 is taste. The gathering of millions of Muslims in Jakartaverythrilling hearts deepest in the hearts of the Muslims.In the social media netizens was frequently upload a varietyofstories or action shots followed by millions of Muslims are.The question arises why have the numbers 212? This is exactlythesame as a previous rally that was held on November 4, manyarecalling the peaceful action "411", the Arabic language isthepronunciation of "further inside" with lafadz 'GOD'.Search the number 212 itself in Indonesia, some people termedthephilosophy of action 212 with the number 2 as the letter of the2ndin the Qur'an named Al-Baqarah while the number "12" with averse to-12. We tried from the "modern interpretation" that numberto open aTafsir al-Quran what the hell was going on in theseverses andasbabun nuzulnya so in identikkan action "212".Tafsir Ibn Kathir of surah Al-Baqarah (2) of paragraph 12whichreads: "And when it is said to them: 'Do not make mischief ontheearth'. They replied: 'We the people who make amends'.Remember,they are the ones who make mischief, but they realize."(QS.2:11-12)Hopefully calendar application that contains 212 imagescanprovide benefits for Muslims in Indonesia. The highestappreciationfor the brother who had designed the calendar year 2017defenseaction version of Islam 212.
Gold Miner Games 1.0
CV Wiztech
Gold Miner Games is a modern and casualgamethat made you addicted when you play.Gold, diamonds, and dynamite? That's right, you're agoldminerand it's your job to mine as much gold as you can and comeout withthe most money. Are you ready? Time to goldrush!ThisGold Miner Games is exactly the same as the availableonlineversion! modern games are always the best! new school supermoderngold digger gameGAMEPLAY:Super easy to play, use your claw to mine gold and othertreasures.But just don't underestimated it. It tests your speed,yourtiming.This is the most interesting, most addictive one among allgoldminer games out there!Utilize your claw and reel to mine gold and differentfortunesout of the earth. Your claw will swing forward andbackward. Tapscreen to lower it. When it has grabbed something itwill reel itup. Overwhelming items like rocks and huge pieces ofgold will beharder to reel up. Get bags contain arbitrary amountsof cash, astrength power-up, or a stick of dynamite. Between levelsyou canpurchase things that can help you.Gather the objective amount of money before the end of thelevel.On the off chance that you don't meet your objective beforethe endof the level it's game over. Your cash continues startingwith onelevel then onto the next.On the off chance that you inadvertently explode everything onalevel or you simply have a craving for going on, you can pressthe“Next Level” button. In the event that you haven't met yourlevelobjective it will be gameover.What your waiting for? Download and Play Gold MinerGamesNow!
Kids Craft Ideas. 1.0
CV Wiztech
Childhood is the age span ranging from birthtoadolescence. Humans between this age range are calledkids.Childhood is the best part of life. Kids are used to sweetandinnocent. Kids love toys and different crafts. To make besttoysand crafts for kids we bring you the Kids app. Kids app is thebestcollection of easy and creative craft making activity. Kids apphasbest crafts from all over the world. One can easily make thosetoysand crafts and entertain kids easily.All our kids craft ideas are quick and easy, requireminimalequipment and materials, and offer satisfyingly instantresults -because we know that even crafty kids like to be able seethefruits of their labor in action within minutes ratherthanhours!We have tons of crafts for kids at Kids app, many adaptabletosuit different ages and abilities and working well withindividualkids or a large group. Don't worry that you need anygreatexpertise or a huge amount of supplies and equipment. Craftingwithkids is all about having fun, experimenting, taking ideas thatyousee and adapting them to suit what you have available and whatyouthink your kids would enjoy most. It is always a good thing tobeprepared!There is also a section to find our kids craft ideas sortedbyholiday, season and type of activity. Kids app has a large rangeofclothing accessories for kids also. You can choose and makebestclothes for kids from different genre like superheroaccessories,recycled paper grass crowns, leather diaper clutch andmany more.You can find all kinds of crafts for a child's daily lifewhetherit is a toy, cloth, stationary or daily purpose goods. youcaneasily find those things and make them easily with ourKidsapp.Craft making is one wonderful hobby to practice. Creatingcraftideas isn’t tough. You just have to use your and imaginationandcreativity .Kids of all ages love craft time! Whether you're kids are partofa religious or public school, there's tons of crafts you can dowiththem to teach them about religion and faith.You can save and share all craft ideas for kids images.Thisapplication shows you the galleries of simple, beautiful, easytoadvance craft ideas. If you have an idea about craft for yourkids,this application can help you. This app. contains the varioustypesof craft ideas for kids such as- animals : owl, penguin, butterfly,- paper, buttons, wooden, paper bag,- seasons : Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter Crafts- Father's day, DIY- spring, summer and more.You can get a easy ideas of kids craft ideas fromthisapplication.Application Features:- An easy pictures of craft ideas for kids- You can save all pictures to sdcard.- You can share all images to others.- You can set all pictures as wallpaper.- Easy to use: press menu to save, share, and set as wallpaper.All craft our kids are quick and easy, requiringminimalequipment and materials, and offer instant gratifyingresults -because we know that kids and even crafty want to seetheir work inaction in a few minutes instead of hours!We have easy of crafts for kids at the Kids of applications,manyadapt to different ages and abilities and work well withindividualkids or large groups. Do not worry that you need greatexpertise ora large amount of supplies and equipment. Crafts withkids is allabout having fun, experimenting, taking the ideas thatyou see andadapt them according to what you have available andwhat you thinkyour kids will enjoy the most. It is always a goodthing to beprepared!
Om Telolet Om Video 1.0
CV Wiztech
What the meaning does 'Om Telolet Om' mean?That's the question on some of the biggest DJs' minds.Ithappened all at once, around noon on Tuesday, Dec. 20.Seeminglywithout warning, the dance music Twitterverse explodedwith tweetsof this mysterious phrase.It appears the phrase refers to the onomatopoeia ofIndonesiancity buses. According to the Jakarta journalist, thephenomenonbegan in November with a social media video that showedchildrenshouting and waving signs with the phrase (which literallymeans"sir, honk your horn, sir") at passing city buses inJepara,Central Java, then erupting in gleeful cheers when a driveraccedesto their request. The video has garnered 1.8 million viewsand morethan 45,000 shares since, inspiring others to imitate thefeatacross the region.Journalist in Jakarta reports that this "telolet hunter"movementhas led to traffic jams in Jepara, prompting the localpolice forcesto urge drivers not to sound their horns.But why were all the DJs tweeting it? Because Indonesiankidsappear to be spamming DJs' social media accounts,repeatedlyposting the phrase in their comment sections and tweetingit atthem directly. They seem positively enthralled that what hadbeen aregional inside joke has now gone viral internationally.Let's Watch Om Telolet Om Videos Now!
Tennis 3D Game 2.0
CV Wiztech
Welcome to the most authentic tennis game onGoogle Play. Tennis 3D Game is the only tennis game based on 3DPHYSICS.Tennis 3D Game is the most complete mobile tennis game ever! Enjoythrilling gameplay, beautiful graphics and pack of action!Tennis 3D Game offers fast and fluid control mode: swipe yourfinger to hit or slice the ball. The game provides a huge range ofunique players to choose from and allow you to steer your favoriteplayer to success in the four Grand Slam tournaments. It feels likeplaying the real tennis game. FEEL THE PASSION NOW!Tennis 3D Game also offers you a tweaked version of the familiarfinger-swipe tennis gameplay combined with a detailed element thatgives you near to unlimited options for improving and customizingyour character(s). To provide a more action-packed experience thetennis rules have been adjusted slightly, resulting in fast-pacedgameplay and shorter but much more exciting matches!On top of that the game offers great graphics and visualizations togive you one of the most visually realistic tennis experiences todate.
Kata Kata Bijak 1.0
CV Wiztech
Kata-Kata Bijak adalah aplikasi kumpulanstatusbijak, lucu, gaul, romantis dan paling kekinian. Denganaplikasiini, Anda bisa dengan mudah mendapatkan status ataukata-kata bijakuntuk dipakai saat menulis status update di FB,saat ngetwit ataupunketika sedang chatting di berbagai aplikasichatting semisal WAataupun Line.Bila Anda kehabisan ide ketika akan menulis status update di fbatauketika akan melakukan twit, jangan khawatir tinggaldownloadaplikasi ini untuk Android, dimana Anda bisa denganmudahmendapatkan kata-kata atau status yang siap untuk dipakaisebagaistatus update Anda. Sangat Mudah dan cepat. Tinggal Copy danPasteaja!Kelebihan aplikasi ini adalah adanya tambahan kategoriyangmemudahkan Anda untuk menemukan status romantis, gaul danlucusesuai dengan keinginan. Semisal bila Anda sedang jatuh cinta,bisamemilih kategori Kata Cinta untuk mendapatkan kata-kata danstatustentang cinta.Selain itu sobat akan sangat mudah sekali untuk mengcopystatusupdate, pertama pilih status update yang ingin Anda copy,lalutinggal sentuh status tersebut, maka pilih untuk mengcopy, danAndabisa langsung mem-paste status tersebut di twit, fb ataupunketikasedang chatting.Ayo buruan download aplikasi ini supaya status sobat makin bijakdankeren!Words of Wisdom isacollection of status application wise, funny, sociable,romanticand the most contemporary. With this application, you caneasilyget status or wise words to use when writing a status updateon FB,when ngetwit or while chatting in various chat applicationssuch asWA or Line.When you run out of ideas when it will write a status update onfbor when going on a twit, do not worry just download this appforAndroid, where you can easily get words or status that is readytobe used as your update status. Very easy and fast. Live CopyandPaste ONLY!The advantages of this application is the addition of acategorythat allows you to find the status of a romantic, sociableandfunny as you wish. Such as when you are in love, can chooseacategory to get the word Love and status words about love.Other than that my friend would be very easy to copy statusupdates,first select a status update that you want to copy, thenjust tapthe status, then choose to copy, and you can directlypaste thisstatus in twit, fb or Internet chat rooms.Come game download these applications so that the status ofbuddiesgetting wise and cool!
Update Status Dulu 1.0
CV Wiztech
Update Status Dulu adalah aplikasikumpulanstatus yang lucu, bijak, gaul, romantis dan palingkekinian. Denganaplikasi ini, Anda bisa dengan mudah mendapatkanstatus ataukata-kata keren untuk dipakai saat menulis status updatedi FB,saat ngetwit ataupun ketika sedang chatting di berbagaiaplikasichatting semisal WA ataupun Line.Bila Anda kehabisan ide ketika akan menulis status update di fbatauketika akan melakukan twit, jangan khawatir tinggal downloadUpdateStatus Dulu untuk Android, dimana Anda bisa dengan mudahmendapatkankata-kata atau status yang siap untuk dipakai sebagaistatus updateAnda. Sangat Mudah dan cepat. Tinggal Copy dan Pasteaja!Kelebihan dari Update Status adalah adanya kategori yangmemudahkanAnda untuk menemukan status romantis, gaul dan lucusesuai dengankeinginan. Semisal bila Anda sedang jatuh cinta, bisamemilihkategori Kata Cinta untuk mendapatkan kata-kata dan statustentangcinta.Selain itu sobat akan sangat mudah sekali untuk mengcopystatusupdate, pertama pilih status update yang ingin Anda copy,lalutinggal sentuh status tersebut, maka pilih untuk mengcopy, danAndabisa langsung mem-paste status tersebut di twit, fb ataupunketikasedang chatting.Ayo buruan download aplikasi ini supaya status sobat makin kerendankekinian!Update Status isanapplication used to set the status of a funny, wise,sociable,romantic and the most contemporary. With this application,you caneasily get status or cool words to use when writing a statusupdateon FB, when ngetwit or while chatting in various chatapplicationssuch as WA or Line.When you run out of ideas when it will write a status update onfbor when going on a twit, do not worry just download theUpdateStatus Used for Android, where you can easily get words orstatusthat is ready to be used as your update status. Very easy andfast.Live Copy and Paste ONLY!The advantages of the Update Status is the category that allowsyouto find the status of a romantic, sociable and funny as youwish.Such as when you are in love, can choose a category to get thewordLove and status words about love.Other than that my friend would be very easy to copy statusupdates,first select a status update that you want to copy, thenjust tapthe status, then choose to copy, and you can directlypaste thisstatus in twit, fb or Internet chat rooms.Come game download these applications so that more cool buddystatusand present!
Cerita Nabi Adam 1.0
CV Wiztech
Kisah ini mencoba menguak secuilmisteritentang penciptaan Nabi Adam, dan disajikan untuk Anda dananakAnda sekalian.Kisah Nabi Adam AS menceritakan dengan lengkap bagaimanasejarahpenciptaan Nabi Adam AS dan perjalanan hidupnyahinggawafat. Suatu ketika, Allah berbicara di hadapan paramalaikat. Isipembicaraan berkisar tentang penciptaan Adam, leluhurmanusia. Adamdan keturunannya ini kelak akan  menjadi khalifah(wakil)Allah di bumi. Tugas mereka memakmurkan bumi. Mendengarpenjelasanitu, para malaikat heran. Kenapa harus Adam dan anakcucunya yangmenjadi khalifah? Mestinya, malaikat yang diberikehormatan sepertiitu. Bukankah malaikat senantiasa bertasbihkepada Allah? Bumi akanaman bila dihuni malaikat. Tak akan adakerusakan dan pertumpahandarah.Lalu Bagaimana Kisah selanjutnya? Yuk, download aplikasi iniuntukKisah Nabi Adam lebih lanjut
Telolet Bus Driving 1.0
CV Wiztech
What does 'Om Telolet Om' mean?That's the question on some of the biggest DJs' minds. Ithappenedall at once, around noon on Tuesday, Dec. 20. Seeminglywithoutwarning, the dance music Twitterverse exploded with tweetsof thismysterious phrase.It appears the phrase refers to the onomatopoeia of Indonesiancitybuses. According to the Jakarta journalist, the phenomenonbegan inNovember with a social media video that showed childrenshoutingand waving signs with the phrase (which literally means"sir, honkyour horn, sir") at passing city buses in Jepara, CentralJava,then erupting in gleeful cheers when a driver accedes totheirrequest. The video has garnered 1.8 million views and morethan45,000 shares since, inspiring others to imitate the featacrossthe region.Journalist in Jakarta reports that this "telolet hunter"movementhas led to traffic jams in Jepara, prompting the localpoliceforces to urge drivers not to sound their horns.But why were all the DJs tweeting it? Because Indonesian kidsappearto be spamming DJs' social media accounts, repeatedlyposting thephrase in their comment sections and tweeting it atthem directly.They seem positively enthralled that what had been aregional insidejoke has now gone viral internationally.
Ultimate Core Workouts Routine 1.0
CV Wiztech
Ultimate Core Workout Routine is a free,modernand lightweight core workout routine app that was made madeas aninstrument for men and ladies to view and get thoughtsregardingdiverse activities they can perform to build their centerandoffset! Put down those substantial dumbbells, this applicationwillgive you an expansive scope of distinctive activities andgloats aneasy to utilize interface.We give you diverse choices on the most proficient methodstoapproach wellness. You can either take a core workout daily,absebooks and many more! All our core workout routines were made byaguaranteed fitness coach. Your abs/center is critical to keepupoffset and general make you fit. On the off chance that youhaveconstantly needed those exercises and ebooks. And the bestthing isthat you can download and install our app for Free. Youdon’t haveto pay anything else, because everything is freehere!We know that core workout routines are very important toachieveyour fitness goals by loosing weight, so, do not misstheopportunity to reach a perfect body. Let workout be a dailyhabitwith Ultimate Core Workouts Routine.Why you need to download and install our app on yourAndroidsmartphone or tablet for Free instead of other core workoutfor menapps?Different workouts:✓ On our app, we have the best 30 workouts that will help youtoreach your dream body. All workouts are explained step by stepwithimages.✓ Get the 30 best burn fat foods and some Killer ABS Ebooks forFreewhen you download our app!Free :✓ Ultimate Core Workouts Routine is free and it will stay freeforlife, so there is no hidden fees and no special membershipstoreach your fitness goals.Mass Calculator :✓ We integrated a new mass calculator inside our app to helpyoucalculate your mass easily and fastly!So, What are you waiting for ? Download our app and enjoy thebestfree core workout routine app ever!We are always striving to provide the best user experience forourusers. We are also looking for your feedback, suggestionorrecommendation. Please, feel free to email [email protected] so we can continue to bring you thebestexperiences and updates.
Baby Duck Scream 3.0
CV Wiztech
Baby Duck Scream is the most vibrantaddictivechicken scream running and jumping game ever! This gamewill letyou control our baby duck with your voice sound and let itwalk,run, jump or stop by screaming, yelling or being quiet.The objective of this addictive game is to take control of thisbayduck and let it run, jump and reach the final point of eachlevel.But, keep in mind that there is many obstacles and you willhave tojump over them to survive or you will loose. Sounds easy,but canyou do it and finish each level in this new chick jump gamewithoutbeing killed?The game is amazingly designed with an awesome environment togiveyou the best experience while playing it. As a player, yourtask isto concentrate and maintain your focus so that you can helpthischicken scream to finish each level without hitting anyobstacle.It's a very simple objective, but it's not easy to reach.Takecontrol in this amazing running game and put your skills tothetest.Why you need to download and install Baby Duck Scream onyourandroid smartphone or tablet?✓ Simple, attractive and very high quality graphicsdesignedspecially for this game.✓ Very well designed environment that you will love! Enjoyplayingwithin it!✓ Our gameplay is very easy to play and you don’t have to touchthescreen to play because the chick is controled withyourvoice.✓ Speak softly or yell to make the duck walk. Scream to make itjumpor stay quiet to control the duck slowly. Remember thatmakingexcessive noise will let him run and jump, but once you don’tmakeany noise, he will stop.✓ Baby Duck Scream is free and it will stay free for life, sothereis no hidden fees, no special memberships and noannualsubscription fees to enjoy the most addictive gameever!What are you waiting for ? Download Baby Duck Scream Now andEnjoyplaying the best free running and jumping game ever!We are always striving to provide the best user experience forourplayers. We are also looking for your feedback, suggestionorrecommendation. Please, feel free to email usat“[email protected]“, so we can continue to bring you thebestexperiences and updates.